Author: silentforamoment

  • Dilemma: Waiting is a gift. It takes a special person to wait, especially one who has patience wrapped in a plastic bag of perseverance. We’re in a microwave popcorn society. Everything has to be right now, quick, fast, and in a hurry. Even our high-speed internet is considered slow if it doesn’t navigate to the…

  • As a mother of three boys and two girls, I try to be fair in discipline and love. Boys will test the waters, and I find myself almost screaming at the top of my lungs to get them to stop jumping off the kitchen table or to stay out of the street. My girls are…

  • Communication is key factor in any relationship. Understand the message and in turn make sure you’re sending a clear message yourself. I’m reminded of an argument with my spouse that should have gone in a totally different direction than it did all because he misunderstood my message. From that one misinterpretation, it skyrocketed into a…

  • Him: She is a good woman, but she doesn’t forget anything I’ve done wrong. Pastor: What did you do wrong? Him: I had an affair, and now she’s not with me at all. Pastor: That explains why she hasn’t forgotten anything. A woman won’t ever forget, but it is her choice to forgive you. Her:…

  • Most marriages cannot survive an affair. Divorce, abuse, resentment, and other negative consequences are the aftermath of divorce. What do you think? Is it possible to trust your mate after an affair and start over? I think it is possible to heal and if both parties are willing to make the marriage work, it is…

  • A lover of mine broke my heart. He used to be my best friend. I cared for him deeply. Inseparable til the end. One touch from him eased my soul. One kiss my heart skipped beats. One moment and time would freeze. In bed with another between silk sheets. I don’t want to be anything…

  • I talked with Jesus for a moment. We stood at a dark entrance. It looked like a cave. His attire was an all-white robe. I think I was wearing black. Hesitantly, I said, “Lord if you would let me go back So that I can fit in somewhere…” He said, “You don’t belong down there.…

  • There’s no experience necessary to be a mom. The pay is minimal and the workload is strenuous. There is heavy lifting involved. Your heart may hurt. Your back and feet will be sore. You will meet a few gray hairs that like to stand out to prove their existence. There are no off days. You…

  • The grass is greener on the other side. Have you ever heard that cliche? Well, it isn’t necessarily true. Believe it or not, the grass is greener where you water it. Think about it… I’ve got a neighbor whose mowed his lawn less than ten times in the four years we’ve lived in our home.…

  • …and faith unlocks the door. Did your spouse make you angry in some way? Did he/she cheat on you? Perhaps things are going great, and you don’t think prayer is necessary because there’s nothing wrong in your relationship right now. Your spouse hasn’t been to do anything unforgivable or unspeakable yet. Besides, isn’t prayer for…