Tag: God

  • Thinking about crossing that threshold between right and wrong?  From a philosophical utilitarian point of view, you may think that having an affair could be for the greater good.  Perhaps you are unhappy in your marriage and you’re on bad terms with your spouse.  You’ve spiraled down into an abyss of dislike and contempt.  Both…

  • Today was going to be like any other day for Shirley. As usual she tried not to anticipate anything romantic from her husband. He made it very clear to her that he would rather be with the other woman, and their relationship was dwindling into the abyss by the moment. He’d already moved back in…

  • Marriage represents a true relationship with our Creator and spouse. Adultery represents disloyalty to our Creator. If one is not loyal to God, most likely this person will not be loyal to spouse.

  • You caught him cheating.  You checked her cellular phone and saw erotic messages that YOU didn’t send to her.  The other woman calls your home to inform you of the affair.  Do you go into a raging fit, terrorizing and annihilating all furniture, property, or people who stand in your way at this moment?  Whatever…

  • Waiting creates patience. Patience creates a humble spirit. To be humble is to be meek and submissive to God. Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

  • Ladies there are so many self-help books that teach you what TO do if you want to work through a rough spot in your marriage.  When it comes to infidelity, communication can falter and trust can be lost forever.  Anger, resentment, bitterness, continued lust after the other woman, poor communication, lack of respect, no self…

  • I can survive this tragedy. Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. Thanks for allowing this to happen. Romans 8:28: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. I’m back on the market…

  • “Catherine, I’m in love with you,” he said. “I will do anything to be with you.” Butterflies crept in her stomach because she knew she couldn’t have two men in her life. One was there purposefully by law. The other there purposefully by choice. There were kids involved. Hearts could be broken. Someone could get…

  • Today is just not a good day.  If only I had the strength to move from this spot.  He’s been distant from me and doesn’t want to discuss where our marriage is going.  Since I found out he slept with another woman, they’ve grown closer and we’ve grown apart.  No one will quite understand how…

  • Why do men play the field? Why not settle down with one good Christian woman and live happily ever after…as women most often daydream? Three main reasons they don’t are: