Tag: advice

  • A Six-Step Approach to Saving Your Marriage If you have been asking yourself "how can I save my marriage" then you need to pay attention to the principles described here. Of course there is some confusion about your current situation. Naturally, this may cause you to react negatively. Avoid this temptation. To answer the question…

  • Thinking about crossing that threshold between right and wrong?  From a philosophical utilitarian point of view, you may think that having an affair could be for the greater good.  Perhaps you are unhappy in your marriage and you’re on bad terms with your spouse.  You’ve spiraled down into an abyss of dislike and contempt.  Both…

  • Dangers of Having an Office Spouse An “office spouse” describes your partner at work that helps you meet deadlines, eats lunch with you each day and is generally someone whom you cannot function without. But while there are benefits to maintaining a good working relationship with work colleagues, there are also some dangers you need…

  • Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, and now everyone has to fear the wrath of the being that is…you?  You may be running late for work, but jump back in the bed and get up on the other side.  Today is a new refreshing day to begin a new attitude. …

  • Conversing with a group of online friends, an interesting topic came up regarding women pleasing their mate.  The subject was somewhat offensive to me at first, but then the comment was broken down by other men who understood.  We were discussing how a woman should please a man to keep him further intrigued so that…

  • The “other” woman. Who is this mysterious creature who lurks in dark alleys, waiting to pounce like a panther on your unsuspecting and vulnerable husband? Is she really a drop-dead gorgeous runway model, with a sexual appetite akin to a weasel on speed? Chances are, no; unless of course your husband is an equally gorgeous…

  • It’s Valentine’s Day. You aren’t sure what to do for your wife. You need inspiration and you aren’t getting any. You’ve looked all over the place and you have run out of ideas. Here’s how not to tell her you love her this Valentine’s Day. You do not want to be served divorce papers this…

  • We’ve all been there. Somehow your man left, but you’re sure this is not the way it’s supposed to be. You had such a connection and so many good times Not to mention you were the only one who thought his lame jokes were actually funny! So maybe he just needs a little push to…

  • Were you in a relationship with a man with whom you had strong emotions for and he split up with you?  Do you say to yourself all the time “I want my husband back”? If this is the case then read on to find out what you can do to get him back. Initially you need to…

  • So you have determined that your wife wants to leave. Maybe she told you this yourself; maybe it’s just a suspicion. Perhaps you have been spying on her, reading her email when she’s out shopping or looking at her text messages when she’s in the shower [not cool]. You may be solely responsible for this…