How to Have a Good Day

Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, and now everyone has to fear the wrath of the being that is…you?  You may be running late for work, but jump back in the bed and get up on the other side.  Today is a new refreshing day to begin a new attitude.  Tomorrow is not yet promised or here.  Yesterday is now over.  Your focus should only be on the day that you can see.  People, things, negative thoughts, family issues, money problems can rob you of the peace that you need to enjoy your family, spouse, children, or friends.  If you continued to dwell on the problems, you will make them bigger than they should be.

How can you do this?

Step 1: The best way to start your day is to think yourself happy (see Acts 26:2).  What makes you happy?  Search within yourself to find out what brings a smile on your face or gives you inner peace.

Step 2: Take those thoughts of happiness and put them into action.  Take yourself out on a date to show yourself how much you love yourself.  Go shoe shopping.  Watch Monday Night Football at a sports bar.  Whatever makes you happy, think on it and act on it (see Philippians 4:8-9). Healthy living works best when you put positive reinforcement into action.

Step 3: Continually seek peace and pursue it (refer to Psalm 34:14).  Inner and outer peace is contagious.  If you woke up this morning yelling and screaming at your spouse, then because of their frustration and anger they turned on the kids and started yelling at them, you will have a trickled-down effect where the kids may turn on each other, their friends, or their teacher.  Your bad day is contagious just like your good day.  A smile, kind gesture, a hug, paying for someone else’s coffee behind you in the line at Starbuck’s, or even a “thank you” wave as someone allows you to enter into the lane as you drive to work.

Remember, it’s not what you say, but how you say it.  Your family, friends, wife, husband, child, co-worker need to hear in your tone that despite the bad things going wrong in your life, you have the dignity and grace to endure and you don’t allow the little things…or big things to get you down!

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